About Maa Savitri Jyotish Anusandhan Kendra
Vedic astrology is something which can unfold the knowledge of the planets and the stars; there influence on an individual or human life. Humans are the creation of the cosmos.
Therefore, all the facets of human existence, including the past, present and future are intimately connected to the influence of the planets and the stars. The Moon being nearest to the earth exercises much influence on it. The Sun as the central figure predominates over the entire arrangement of the celestial system. According to Vedic spiritual traditions, consciousness is not something that comes about merely through the functioning of neural connections in the brain but is a basic characteristic of all reality, a spirit pervading all manifestations. The role of the human nervous system is to provide an appropriate material structure to individualize consciousness. In other words, we are the tuners of the all-pervading field of cosmic awareness. The discoveries of modern quantum physics seem, therefore, to parallel Vedic conjectures about the nature of reality.
Maa Savitri Jyotish Anusandhan Kendra
Roshini Dubey
guru ji really has been supportive throughout my career. He has helped me whenever i felt stuck in my astrological life. He has the best expertise.
Abhijeet Pol
Perfect and knowledgeable astrologer we mate first time in our life.
Vinayak Shrivastav
Thank you Guruji. The guidance you and your organization provided looking at my planets and kundli helped me to grow in my career. If it wasn’t for you I would have been completely lost in my life. Thank you so much.
Jitendar Kumar Gulabchand tiwari
Whatever program is done by Maa Savitri Astrology Research Center is very good and suitable and by reading it, all types of astrology work is done to put your life in an improved state, in this you can improve your life, I too. I took advice from Guruji for my family and due to his advice there has been a change in my life and there is a lot of happiness in my family, so all of you must come and take advice from Guruji, thank you.