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Maa Shavitri Jyotish Anushandhan Kendra
1. Horoscope Analysis
This report gives you the complete chart readings and all the twelve houses reading of your natal chart horoscope, in great details, covering all the aspects of life. This report is prepared after studying your varga-9 chart and all the 12 houses of the natal chart horoscope. This report also includes:
- Calculations of mahadasha (main ruling planet) periods of your life
- Antardasha periods (sub ruling planets periods) in current mahadasha planet
- Predictions of current antardasha in mahadasha in details
- Prediction in brief for other antardasha
- Calculations of periods of all the three cycles of saturn periods
- Predictions for ongoing saturn periods (sadhesati), if any
- Manglik (kuja dosha) considerations predictions
- Kaalsarp dosh consideration predictions
- Gem selections for your life, luck and benefic stones
- Favorable and auspicious selection of spouse/life partners

2. Vastu Analysis
Thousand and thousand years ago Indian Rishis and saint’s had discovered the effects of “panch Maha Bhoot” i.e. Air, water, ire, sky and earth on our dwelling houses. They also understood how sun energy and North-South magnetic energy influences the fortune of mankind. The application of five elements and magnetic energy which are abundantly available in nature while building our living homes is called vaastu Shastra. Thus this is a science which is applicable universally. The proper utilization of these powers leads to happy living abodes since very old times.

3. Jeewan Darpan Preparation
“The Jeewan Darpan Preparation (popularly known as Janam Kundali) is a map of the heavenly bodies, which shows the positions of the planets and their relation at birth of a newborn taking into account the time and place of birth. A Jeewan Darpan Preparation is a must for any Vedic astrologer to make predictions.
There are various styles or forms of Horoscope chart in vogue in different parts of the country, which may be different in their form but distinctly similar in their character.

4. Consultancy
“Dr. Mishra analyze Horoscope contains the comprehensive birth chart of a person. He believes that it predicts exactly about your past present and future life – education, love, marriage, sex, career, family, health, and other detailed analysis. Our panel of astrologers furnishes advice for casting horoscopes, planetary positions, and other future predictions. Our experts suggest remedies too. If you need help or advice on a specific astrological issue, you are most welcome with any pertinent question.

5. Numerology
Dr. Mishra is a well-recognised numerology consultant based in India. According to numerology, there is a certain connection between life and numbers. In the study of numbers, we advise on symbolism, figure-o-logy, and geometrical relations. The study of numerology has its fundamental principles, alphabet, terminology, and language. Like the nine planets of the solar system, there are nine numbers that affect the life of an individual.
Our Numerology Services include remedies and solutions to overcome hurdles by calculating the numbers. In addition to this, we also provide Numerology Consultancy for major decisions like marriage, buying property, investment, business, etc.

6. Palm reading
Palm reading, otherwise known as palmistry or chiromancy, is practiced all over the world, with roots in Indian astrology and gypsy fortune-telling. The objective is to evaluate a person’s character or future by studying the palm of their hand. Whether you’re an aspiring palm reader or you’re just looking for a fun way to pass the time and impress your friends, here’s how to gain insight just by holding someone’s hand.

7. Vedic Anusthan
Dr. Mishra has engaged in offering a wide range of Vedic astrological services that are highly appreciated by our valued customers for their accurate predictions and high reliability. All these services can be availed at economical prices. Further, our team consists of highly qualified astrologers who have in-depth knowledge of the field and are capable of solving all the problems of our respected customers.
In addition to this, we are dealing in a wide assortment of Vedic Anushthan and different kinds of Yagya/Pooja. Moreover, Pooja Samagri is also available with us.

8. Spiritual Guidelines
Make it a daily habit to look for ways to help other people or to make them smile. Don’t withhold praise. What you give out, good or bad, you’ll get back, sometimes multiplied. Be a joy to be around by becoming a joyous or loving person. Be dependable, reliable, honest, and giving… slow to anger (acquiring patience, tolerance, emotional maturity, and wisdom)… be gentle, kind, caring, humble, sensitive, honest, and conscientious. Be a friend to all, and an enemy to none. Learn to listen rather than talk, become a shoulder to cry on and a source of inspiration.

9. Palmistry
Dr. Mishra is an expert in Palm Reading. The science of palm reading has been prevailing in the world since Vedic Era. The palmistry says the exact character of the human being. It also says you the depth of your wealth, potentiality of health, career and business, love and marital life as well as your intellectuality. Palm reading reveals your disease and life span. This unique science of palmistry particularly originated in India and spread all over the world. The science of hand reading fascinates everybody. This science can easily increase your social circle if you know this scientifically. Palm reading can recognize anyone very easily if the person belongs to rich or poor, labor or intellectual class, soft or harsh spoken. So to speak, a successful palm reader is able to understand the mentality and heart of any person. Moreover its amazing science of hand reading can easily predict the suicidal tendency of any unknown human being. Palmistry is an art and science of self-discovery fundamental to Vedic palmistry is that as we continuously change and evolve, so do the hand lines on our palms. By studying both hands; the non-dominant hand (past) and dominant hand (present) – we can recognize the traceable link between our past behavioral patterns and our present personality, thoughts and experiences. With this understanding, we can shape our future in a constructive, fulfilling way, making positive choices regarding our work, our dealings with people around us, and many other important aspects of life.

10. Ancestors & Last Rites - Tarpan
Are you grieving after losing someone close to you and sensing there is something more to be done? Each of us has a spirit which survives beyond our mortal, physical bodies. The spirits of the newly departed and ancestors often need nourishment and support while navigating non-physical dimensions. We invite you to demystify and address your concerns of human spirits by understanding what our ancient forefathers of India revealed and performing proper last rites.
Our ancestors are vested with mystical powers and authority. Their spirit retains a functional role in the world of the living, especially in the life of their living relations. It is believed that the dead have a journey to make, to bestow the positive deeds for their dear ones through the remarkable framework of Ancestral worship.
The disembodied existence after death gains the power to govern your destiny and marks great miracles in life. We help you to light the way for our ancestors’ return through the powerful Tarpanam and Shraddha rituals. Tarpanam is giving special offerings (food) to the departed spirits especially during the new moon days.
Shraddha is ritual conducted in India for 10,000s of years to help a soul #8217;s transition after death to either heaven or their next birth. It must be conducted exactly 2 weeks after the passing and sponsored by a family member or close friend only.
Soul Genetics is the science of your ancestors as studied and revealed by Dr. Pillai, founder of AstroVed. It gives the source for a successful and heavenly blessed life in all aspects of life through Ancestral Rituals and Last Rites. May they come and feast with you through your proper communication channel and bless you for ultimate safety and comforts!

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